Forest Bathing And Green Prescription Details Know How They Work And How It Used In Better Health Check Here All Details

Forest Bathing And Green Prescription Details Know How They Work And How It Used In Better Health Check Here All Details

You must have seen that when someone is sick, he is cured in many ways. Deteriorated health is recovered in many ways from medicines to exercise. Ayurveda, allopathic, homeopathic etc. are also used in medicines, but forest bathing and green prescription are also being used a lot in these methods of healing. Yes, now the problems of human being are being removed by these methods. At the same time, this method is being used a lot in many places outside India and people are also getting its benefit.

You must also be wondering what it is and how a person is cured by these methods. So today we tell you what they are and how they are used in treatment. Now

What is forest bathing?

By the way, you must be understanding a lot from the name itself. Actually, this is the Japanese method of body relaxation or relaxation, which is called shinrin yoku in Japan. In this type of therapy, one has to look at the surrounding nature while taking deep breaths in a quiet place among the trees. This method helps adults and children to relieve stress in a natural way without any medicines. The Japanese practice of forest bathing is very good for both physical and mental health.

Let us tell you that it has been proved that it works to reduce stress hormones, increase the feelings of being happy, increase creativity and improve the immune system along with controlling heart beat and blood pressure. By doing this continuously, you are saved from many diseases. To do this, choose an empty place and stay away from all your electronic devices, phones etc. Along with this, use all five senses in the midst of nature. After this you get a lot of benefit.

Then what is Green Prescription?

If we talk about green prescription, then it is only an advice given by the doctor, so that a patient can be kept healthy. The special thing in this is that whatever advice is given by the doctor, it is given on the basis of nature. In this, people are involved in things related to nature, such as growing something, community gardening, spending time together in nature, etc.

This type of advice is especially given to those patients who are worried about obesity, heart, diabetes, mental health etc. In this, people are kept connected with nature through a separate plan. Green prescription programs often involve partnerships with local parks and recreation departments, community organizations and other groups.

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